Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Divine Appointments

I truly believe God sets up divine appointments. Especially when we pray for them. While in Bimbila, I met two guys at a "bar" beside our "hotel." I was not in the bar (lol), but there are tables set up outside the hut. Its was in the same compound as the kitchen and our guest house (if that makes sense.) Mr. Eugene and Conner. Mr. Eugene was a Ghanaian and Conner was a Canadian, living with him for a school project. Mr. Eugene i n a Muslim and has two wives. For some reason, God lead me to share my life story with him and how Jesus has made a difference in my life. He was very interested and had many questions. He came back the next night to talk about God. I know God is working on him and I pray I planted a seed of hope in his empty life.

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