Friday, July 9, 2010

Brave little Tito

Tito is the bravest, strongest little girl I know. The Texas team set up a medical clinic in a village last Saturday. I was at the prayer station. Being me, I am curious and like to explore things. I went inside where they were caring for the villagers. This little girl with extreme burns all over her hand caught my eye. The nurse had to take off all the dead skin and clean it up. I sat down with her and held her. It was not long before I started crying. I knew she was in so much pain. She did not shed a tear until he was half way done taking off her skin. I held her so tight and we wept together. We did not speak the same language, but I know she knew I was praying for her. Thirty minutes seemed like a lifetime. When he got done, I got her name and took her picture and had the translator tell her a few things. I can say God spoke to me through this painful experience. I loved this girl so much, even thought she did not know me. I loved her so much it hurt. I even wept with her in her pain. I cant even imaging the pain God feels for us when we are hurting. My love for her and pain for her was only a glimpse of what Christ feels for us when we are hurting. I will always remember how this moment gave me a new and fresh understanding of God's love.

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